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Let’s just say subscribing is important to me … not because without your money I’ll be going hungry - as my belt size will attest, I’m not in the habit of missing meals - but because in our culture, other than a mother’s love or a warm, sunny day, most of the things we value come at a price — nearly always measured in dollars and cents. If we claim to value the work of writers, musicians, and artists, they too deserve to be paid for what they do.
‘Nuff said. Please sign up if you’re so inclined … it’s less than the price of a cheap beer at a nice bar and when you get to that bar it will give you something to talk about.
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And on top of all that…
There are a lot of interesting people who’ve clicked on this...heck, you’re probably one of ‘em. If you read something that amuses, annoys or otherwise trips a trigger pass it along in the comments section or leave a note. Just remember, we all wear pants because nobody wants to deal with assholes. (Apologies for the language, Mrs. Strand, I’ll try to do better next time.)
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