Yeah, the rumor is true -- Winona City Council election filing statement
May 17, 2022
I am happy to let the world know I have filed for election as an at-large member of the Winona City Council.
After nearly four decades of professionally observing, analyzing, reporting and commenting on local public affairs and policy, circumstance has offered the opportunity to move from the press table and public gallery to the council table to translate ideas and observations into positive civic action.
Tip O’Neal famously observed that “all politics is local.” City Hall is where the political rubber hits the road. Where government comes nose-to-nose with the governed, dealing with the infrastructure and issues we all deal with every day.
One of the great advantages of not dying young – other than senior discounts on coffee and movie tickets – is perspective, the ability to look back and see how the problems we put on the “too hard pile” 50 years ago are usually still there, annoying as ever, and how, three generations later and counting, are still reaping the benefits of difficult, forward-looking decisions.
In the coming months I’m looking forward to talking with folks about plans, ideas and visions that will better the life, preserve the liberty, and aid everyone in our community in our daily pursuit of happiness.
Looking ahead, I would echo the immortal words of Bartles and Jaymes, “…thank you for your support.”
Oh – just to add a personal note -- I’ve enjoyed a decades-long friendship with Michelle Alexander. We’ve worked together on a number of projects and enjoyed many a discussion of local politics and issues. She enjoys my deepest respect and affection. It is my hope and intention that our friendship will continue long past the voters’ verdict in November.